All content in a private Kinderloop is owned by the educator/service. As a responsible family member, it is your choice what you share outside of Kinderloop. By signing up to Kinderloop, you agree to never share any content, image or otherwise, anywhere else online. Remember though, that young children cannot make their own decisions about what gets published online. Therefore, you have a responsibility to make sure that whatever you do share is in your children's best interests.
Sometimes other children in the center may feature in the same photos, videos and stories as your children. In these cases, we ask that you never duplicate or upload them to internet/social networking sites or share them with anyone other than family members.
If there is anything you don't understand or you need further clarification, please feel free to ask us any questions.
When sharing anything using the internet it is important that you are confident about cybersafety it would be a good idea to check if all those invited to your private Kinderloop have the knowledge they need, as well.
While Kinderloop is a secure system, people without appropriate cybersafety knowledge can make it less secure by not keeping passwords safe, sharing information outside of Kinderloop or posting irresponsible content or comments. Cybersafety also involves keeping your computer and browser up-to-date, using the latest antivirus software and firewalls, and learning what suspicious or antisocial online behaviour looks like.
When choosing a password, choose something consisting of letters and numbers, that would be difficult to guess from public information about you. Never write your password down or share it with anyone. We will never request your password or personal details via email.
They're your pictures, not ours - we don't own them, we don't sell them, we don't share them.
Kinderloop is a password-protected private space for care providers and families to share stories, photos and videos with one another. Access to a child's information and stories can only be granted by their primary care provider, and no personal information is shared with any third party unless required to do so by law or with the express consent of the child's parent or legal guardian.
We work with ICT (Information and Communication Technology) security specialists to ensure we have the latest security systems in place, and we consult with early childhood specialists to ensure best practices.
Your data privacy
We take data privacy very seriously and never share your details outside of your child's private Kinderloop, if you decide that you need us to remove your name and email from our system and to learn more about how we keep your data safe, send us an email to privacy@kinderloop.comParental permission
It is the educators/care providers' responsibility to provide parents with information about cybersafety and privacy, and you must explain the benefits of using a secure system such as Kinderloop in relation to the information on this page. You must also be aware of the legal regulations in your particular country in regards to third party approved providers and new owners.